There are currently multiple online elections occurring for this community. Please select the election for which you want to submit a vote:
There are currently multiple online elections occurring for this community. Please select the election for which you want to submit a vote:
PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: To fund necessary renovation, replacement and repair to the walls throughout the community of Canyon Heights. Specifically, the Association is funding the painting, stucco and cosmetic repair of the entire wall sections maintained by the Association. The Association has sought out roughly $21,800 to cover the estimated costs for the repair projects in excess of what the association is able to fund, which is roughly half of the total cost of the project. The project will require a total funding of over $40,000. The amount not covered by the special assessment will be provided for from the reserves of the Association. A special assessment of $200.00 per Home or Lot will fund these expenditures while allowing for the protection of the Association reserves. The Board is seeking approval from 2/3rd of votes of Members participating in person or by absentee ballot in a meeting called expressly for the approval of the Special Assessment in which Quorum is present.? It is important for Owners to vote in favor of this Special Assessment so the Association can effectively repair elements of the common area that pose significant threat to the financial wellbeing of the association in regards to upkeep, liability, insurability and aesthetic. The Association has an obligation to the wellbeing of the community and its assets, which should be considered the shared assets of all homeowners in the Association. Quorum for this is required in the CC&Rs and otherwise by Arizona law and is provided as 60% of the total membership or 65 homeowners voting in person or by absentee ballot at the meeting. Homeowners can attend the Annual Meeting on March 6, 2025 to ask the Board of Directors questions regarding the Special Assessment before casting your vote.
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